CYBERSTRIP POKER Shareware Version 1.5 Brought to you by: Rapture Interactive Requirements: 386 25Mghz, 4mb RAM, VGA, Windows 3.x, Sound Blaster (for sound) This is the shareware version of the MAC / PC interactive CD-ROM Cyberstrip Poker. In this version you are able to play your beautiful 'Playboy Playmate' dealer Arianna until she takes it all off for you, however there is no FULL-MOTION, FULL-SCREEN video in the shareware version as in the full CD-ROM version, also you can only play Arianna instead of the 3 dealers in the full version. It is still however an excellent game where you can sharpen your poker playing skills, and remember always play to win, you would look really stupid sitting naked in front of your computer! Enjoy, Rapture Interactive